
Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Saturday in pictures

Chicken bones simmering for a delicious bone broth
{making the kitchen smell sooo good!}

Our burn pile
 {an endless project!}

a few of the goaties
{We are very pleased with electric fencing.}

My man on his tractor
{I think he is happiest there.}

Pen cleaning
{Remove the soiled, top dress with sawdust.}

Fresh, clean stalls
{This method works really well in our wet climate.}
My newly planted "kitchen herb garden" that is just outside my kitchen door.
{Oregano, Rosemary, Thyme, Mint}

The weather has been so nice and sunny lately, but wouldn't you know, it didn't hold out for our Saturday chores.  Despite the light rain, Eric, Matt, and Daniel were able to run the chipper and put the wood chips in the hydrangea bed for me. 

Today my neighbor is giving me Dahlia tubers.  She grows amazing Dahlias.  I am going to plant them in front of the picket fence at the end of the driveway.  Then whenever we come home, we'll be greeted by beautiful blooms {hopefully}.

I was hoping to get the sugar snap peas and radishes planted in the garden this weekend too, but we are still working out our garden plan.  Still learning so much about companion planting.   

How was your Saturday?  What did you do?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Carol,
    Some how I have lost your contact info (this is Deb Mullins, I bought Ulladulls and Winki from you last April) Anyway I follow your blog and wanted to check with you and see if you know of anyone who might be in the market for a buckling. We were blessed with 3 this spring and would love to sell them intact as they are great looking lil guys.If you do or want mor info on them please contact me.
    509-930-4353 I work so after 5pm is best time
    Chickmama58 @aol.com
    thanks,love your blog


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