
Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Hello's bring so much joy.

This was Caleb's first visit home since he left...2 months and 4 days. (sniff) We all miss him.
Often I hear someone say, "I miss Caleb".  It's a sweet thing though, things that remind us of him.  It brings him closer, but it also reminds us he is not close-by.  Bitter-sweet.

Smiles and hugs

 the kind where you just don't want to let go. The kinds that are reassuring.

This was a working visit.
Not much to his possessions, but enough that a small moving van was better than a couple of fully loaded cars and a couple of trips.  No doubt he is glad to have all that is familiar and his.

Fully embracing the Portland vibe.

He was just about ready to pull out of the driveway...

When MaryAnne started to cry.
"Taleb, wait! Me didn't hug you!"  (she had.)
"You going back to Port-and?"

Hello's bring so much joy...Good-bye's - not so much.

It's a grand adventure.

To be lived



with purpose

It is for this day that we pour ourselves into our children all their growing up, teaching them - academically, socially, spiritually.   It is our goal to send them into the world, being a light for Christ in word and action - in the big things and the small, in the everyday, in their little neighborhood or the big, wide world.

Although my heart strings are pulled in their absence, when my children leave home I want them to feel confident that they have our love and support, and that Home will always be a place of comfort, and encouragement.  
No strings, no guilt, no heavy expectations.

Adventure Journal
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  1. Did you have to wrench my heart with the series of pictures of Caleb driving away? My momma's heart feels for you! xo

    1. Right? Watching the U-Haul was pretty hard. It made it seem so final. :-(

  2. Wow, that picture of MaryAnne did it for me! It's such a sweet portrait of affectionate love between siblings.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. Seeing MaryAnne begin to cry made me cry too - and I'm supposed to be the "strong mom". But I am so thankful that their bonds are tight!

      Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family too. :-)

  3. Oh my goodness, my heart hurts right now! I do love your beautiful way of saying that this is what we raise them for- to go into the world and become the people God made them to be. Great description of home to be a place of unconditional love, thanks for that reminder :-)


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