
Sunday, August 2, 2015

A family visit

Since Eric has family in Eugene, Oregon, and since it is only a couple of hours south of Portland, we made plans to see them.  After fighting traffic for way too long, we finally rolled into Eugene.  We were pooped, but it was so great to see everyone.  (By the way, how is it that you get so tired from just sitting in the car?)
It was late evening, but the Aunts ordered pizza from the Pizza Research Institute.  Both the food and the conversation were so satisfying after such a long day.  In spite of 10 hours in the car (when it should have been 6) the kids did SO great.   
The next morning they took us to their favorite spot for breakfast called the Hide Away Bakery. 
I'm a sucker for outside dining! 
Eric with one of the aunts and his 2nd cousins. (His cousin's kiddos)
Elaina is an artist.  The Eugene vibe suits her well.

After breakfast, they took us to their favorite park (which happened to be Makeda's old school that has been shut down.)

It was just what the cousins needed... active, outside play time together.




It was such fun to see them, even if it was just for a short time.  It sure made for some good memories and a great start to our Oregon road trip.


  1. Thank you it was so good to see Elaina and the kids. She is was having problem with arthritis but she really looks good. Did she say how she was feeling? You look great also Carol and the girls are all so pretty. Of course you'll agree my son is as handsome as ever.

    1. I was sad that I didn't get any pictures from our "pizza night" with Georgiann too! They were all such gracious hosts. I am hoping we can make it down again soon.
      I absolutely agree, your son is HANDSOME.
      We all miss you - and wish you lived closer. If you make it out our way - then we'll for sure make the road trip down together.


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