In the afternoon, we went to the Harasick's home. We had been looking forward to this day - to be able to spend time with them and not have to share them with anyone!
The pool was so refreshing and enjoyable.
Soaking up the sun {but trying to keep previously sun-burned parts covered ;-) }
We enjoyed Italian sodas and snacks poolside. For supper Rich grilled tri-tip to perfection, and Karen made roasted red potatoes and a couple of delicious salads to go along with it. {This just two days after the wedding...they have an AMAZING gift of hospitality!}
Some where in there Emma had the idea to make a Target run with the Olders to buy the game Quelf. Eric also wanted to pick up a pair of Flojos so he went along too. Emma not only bought the game, but a pair of shoes too. They stopped in at Tilly's where Hannah bought some darling sandles, but sadly, Eric had to settle for plain flip flops. Flojos were not to be found on this trip. On their way home, Emma impulsively thought they all needed Krispy Kreme donuts. Eric chimed in that if they were hot, he'd buy....
the HOT NOW sign was on!
Enjoying a game of Quelf with coffee and Krispy Kremes...with whipping cream on top.
{Because donuts alone are not sweet enough! ;-) } The later it got, the sillier they got!
Others of us enjoyed the Jacuzzi.
This trip created more great memories with super special friends!!
Hannah was telling me all about the game, it sounds very fun! And crispy creams make it perfect. =){Tell Matt his new hat looks great}