
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

So this happened.

I had a birthday... in October.

Birthday celebrations are special and I am thankful that it brought us together to celebrate.  I really feel like this photo is just like a classic snapshot in time.  Not because we are all miraculously looking and smiling at the camera (which we are!), but because of the people in it.

I really am so blessed that my dad, my mom, and Bill are still alive, and healthy, and able to travel.
I am thankful that family is a priority to my adult children. I know their schedules needed to be tweaked in order to be here.  All the grandkids (all 9) are together.  Currently they live in three different states so having them all together is extra special (and rare.)

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We have been working for the last two years on a dream, which has come to fruition!
Talking Crow Coffee Roasters is now open!  Between that and homeschooling and running our home, I'm stretched pretty thin and will likely only blog here periodically.  The truth is the longer the time goes between posts, the harder it is to post at all.   (Sorry Mom and Dad)
I really don't like to post without a photo, and lately the only photos on my memory cards are of coffee product. (imagine that.)  I do take photos of the kids with my phone and post them on Instagram.  It tends to be a quick way to capture a moment in time.  What doesn't go with that is much of any deep pondered thought, but for now that's what is working for me because currently, I don't have time to figure out how to put into words what's on my mind.   ( I do hope this doesn't sound like whining!  You never know how things come across.  I'm not,  I'm just trying to explain my absence. 😊)

So basically, don't hold your breathe, but I might shock you from time to time.


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